The Trylle Trilogy by Amanda Hocking
Monday, April 22, 2013
Saturday Book Haul
Thriftbooks Book Haul
Torment: A Fallen Novel by Lauren Kate
Grace by Elizabeth Scott
Thumped by Megan McCafferty
Thirst #1 by Christopher Pike
Full Tilt by Neal Shusterman
Marked by PC Cast
Friday Book Haul 04.19.13
Thriftbooks Book Haul
Chaos Walking: The Knife of Never Lettin Go by Patrick Ness
Chaos Walking: Monsters of Men by Patrick Ness
The Declaration by Gemma Malley
The Resistance by Gemma Malley
Enclave by Ann Aguirre
Bumped by Megan McCafferty
Girl in the Arena by Lise Haines
Wednesday Book Haul - 04.17.13
Amazon Book Haul
Joyland by Stephen King (pre-order)
Dr. Sleep by Stephen King (pre-order)
Omega Days (Volume 1) by John L Campbell
Prized by Caragh M O'Brian
Angelfall by Susan Ee
The Farm by Emily McKay
This is Not A Test by Courtney Summers
The Longest Road by AS Thompson
The First Days (As the World Dies) by Rhiannon Frater
Seige (As the World Dies) by Rhiannon Frater
Fighting to Survive (As the World Dies) by Rhiannon Frater
The Immortal Rules (Blood of Eden book 1) by Julie Kagawa
I got this book on a whim for my birthday. I jokingly told my husband he should buy it for me and he took me seriously so I took it :)
This is about vampires. A post apocalyptic world of vampires.
Allison is just a normal girl in a not so normal world. Fighting and scavenging to stay alive. She lives on the Fringe. It surrounds a vampire city. In this new world you can choose to become registered, which means you must give a monthly allowance of blood to the vampires.. or stay unregistered, which means you have no food, no shelter.. and if you go missing no one cares.
Allison finds a mother load of food while out scavenging for her and her friends. On a trip back out with everyone something goes wrong and she is left with a choice.. to die or to become a vampire. She chooses to live.
We get to see the training that she must go through to be able to survive as a vampire.. just to be cast out on her own by unforeseen circumstances (at least by her).
She comes across a group of wanderers led by a priest who has lost his faith. Can she keep her humanity and stay with these people.. or will the darkness inside her take over?
I really enjoyed this book. It's so nice to see vampires acting like vampires should for once. I'm patiently waiting the release of book 2. There's an excerpt at the end of this book that gives you an idea of what's going to happen next.. and the few pages they give you makes you want to read it now.
The Eleventh Plague by Jeff Hirsch
Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare
I was sooo excited for this book to come out. I absolutely loved the first two Infernal Devices books. I find it completely awesome to have prequels to the Mortal Instruments, which I also loved. This book picks up right were Clockwork Prince left off. Following Tessa, Will, Jem and their love triangle (wait, I don't like romance!). We finally find out what exactly Tessa is (finally!) and what Mortiman wants with her.
It took me a little longer to "get into" this book than it did the previous ones. There was too many back and forth "who do I really loves" between Tessa, Will and Jem. It almost made me want to pull my hair out. Magnus Bane saved most of this for me. He pops in at just the right moments with his sarcasm to keep me going a little longer. The book picks up about half way through just to fall flat again. Lots of build ups with lots of let downs. This book could have been so much better without all the filler. The ending was so-so. You could see it coming for awhile, so that was disappointing as well.
All in all I just don't feel that this book lived up to its predecessors.
Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion
The Caster Chronicles by Kami Garcia
At first look you will think this story is told by Lena. I was quite surprised to see it told from the point of view of Ethan. It's pretty rare to find a young adult book told from a male's point of view. I chose to review this 4 book series together (there's also a novella titled "Dream Dark") because it just made sense to me. I prefer to do this with a series when I have had the opportunity to read the entire thing.
The story follows Ethan and his love for Lena. I'm not usually huge on romance novels, but I have to say this one got me. There's enough going on that it doesn't feel like the story is just about their romance. Lena is a caster, which is basically a witch (but they don't like to be called that). Ethan and Lena have been connected their entire lives without knowing each other until Lena moves to Ethan's home town.
From here we find out what exactly a caster is and several other beings of the caster universe. There is constantly something being thrown at the characters and they either overcome (or don't). All of the characters are highly developed and easy to connect with. I highly recommend reading this series. It's easily made it's way into my top picks.
As you probably know already, Beautiful Darkness was recently made into a movie. I'll tell you know... READ THE BOOKS FIRST! The movie changed so many important parts and characters of the story. If you watch first and read later you will be highly disappointed.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Destiny Cover Reveal Giveaway
About the Author

Laura “Luna” DeLuca lives at the beautiful Jersey shore with her husband and four children. She loves writing in the young adult genre because it keeps her young at heart. In addition to writing fiction, Laura is also the editor of a popular review blog called New Age Mama. Her current works include Destiny, Destiny Unveiled, Phantom, Morrigan, Demon and Player.
The Giveaway
To celebrate the release of the new covers, Author Laura DeLuca is giving away a prize pack that includes a oil diffuser, incense and burner, decorative wooden keepsake box, lavender scented drawer liners, a crystal point, stone pendant, and signed copies of Destiny & Destiny Unveiled with the original covers.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Morrigan by Laura DeLuca - Review and Giveaway!
If you're a fan of YA and fantasy, this is a book for you. I'm not usually a huge fan of fantasy, but I really enjoyed this book. Would be perfect for fans of books like The Mortal Instruments and The Immortals.
The story follows Morrigan. She was orphaned basically at birth and has spent the past 17 years jumping from foster home to foster home. We find out that she has all sorts of special powers and can manipulate the elements, mainly fire. She has two trusty sidekicks in the form of two cats.. which we later find out are her guardians and can do some pretty fantastic stuff. Morrigan goes on a scary and emotional journey to help her mother and restore peace to her homeland. We meet werewolves and witches a long the way. Learn a little about magic... a little love interest.
There is a very good twist to this story that keeps you turning the pages. Nothing is as it seems. I have to say that this story has an absolutely wonderful ending. I loved it.
Laura has a very good talent for describing every element of the story. Makes you feel as if you are there and you don't have to strain your brain too much trying to visualize the world that Morrigan has found herself in.
Would I recommend this book? Yes!
I give this book 4 out of 5 stars.
I received this book in exchange for an honest opinion.
Laura is a fantastic lady! Get to know her a little better..
Help spread the word about Laura's works by sharing, liking, and following on any or all of her social networks.
Please give rafflecopter time to load!
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Deadlocked 1-4 by A.R. Wise
I'll start with book 1 - Deadlocked
This story follows David. He's a married father of two that has just found out he has cancer. He has an office job that he doesn't love, but it provides for his family. This man loves his family. The story starts with him watching the news at his job. An infection has broken out and people are being crazy. He has to get home to his family. I won't spoil by telling everything he goes through to get to them, but let's just say it's not easy. A long the way he meets a man and his son. The boys name is Billy.. we'll get back to him. The father-son duo have a boat. The plan is for David to get his family and make it back to Billy and his father so they can ride out the riots taking place in the city from the infection. David borrows a truck and sets off. He finds his wife and daughters on top of their house trying to get away from their infected neighbors. Again, no spoilers, but he saves them and they head to a school to gather food for their trip. They get into some trouble at the school that follows them back to the boat. David and Billy's father pay the ultimate price to make sure the girls, David's wife and Bill get out alive. End of story 1.
In the short amount of time it took to read this book, David got to me.
Book 2 - Deadlocked 2
This story picks up right where #1 left off and focuses on David's wife, Laura. She's left on a boat with a boy she doesn't know and her two daughters. They meet some other survivors who prove not to be worthy of being around. They meet some cops who turn out to be not so nice. Trying really hard not to spoil here. We'll see more about those cops in a bit. Laura fixes a meal for Billy and the girls from the food she and David scavenged from the school. They learn from the cops that the food is tainted and may be a starting point for the infection. Laura becomes worried that she has infected everyone. Billy wants to find his mother, who is in the city. Laura doesn't want to make the trip back to the city with all the infection and rioting going on, but eventually gives in. Along the way they encounter an explosion as they pass under a bridge. Laura's youngest daughter Annie is thrown from the boat. This is the point where I really start to like this woman. While saving her daughter she is bitten by a shark. What are the odds? Billy has a plan to dock the boat at a friends place where Laura and the girls can hide while he goes off to find his mother. They make it, but Laura is badly injured. Billy finds a pharmacy and gets her some antibiotics and pain killers. Annie isn't feeling so good... Billy leaves. They've heard on the radio about a possible cure in the form of an antibiotic. Annie continues to get sicker. Laura leaves her daughters to go to the pharmacy to find the medicine she needs. Of course, it's not easy on her. She comes into some trouble that follows her back to the boat... End of book 2.
Laura is my kind of lady.
Book 3 - Deadlocked 3
This book picks up where Billy is leaving Laura and the girls to find his mother. As you have probably guessed, this story will follow Billy. Billy runs into trouble right off the bat. A horde of zombies behind a fence. He thinks quick and gets around them. Has a run in with some military men and a life changing event happens for him. He meets the leader of the military group, Reagan, and kidnaps him to help find his mother. Along the way they meet up with Hero, who is going to find his brother. Of course, they meet zombies along the way and dispose of them. Reagan sounds like a hardass in the beginning, but we quickly learn why he is they way he is. Hero finds his brother and Billy is disappointed when finding his mother. Reagan makes a deal with Billy, Hero and Mark to get the military guys off their backs so they can make it back to Laura and her daughters. The have a lot of obstacles in their way, but overcome. They make it back to the boat just a few minutes too late, as Laura's oldest daughter, Kim, has been kidnapped by one of the bad cops. End of book 4.
Book 4 - Deadlocked 4
This story starts a little differently, but still picking up where the others left off. The difference being that all three of the other stories followed one person, where this book will follow all of them. We find ourselves in a "hospital" with Reagan. He is escorted to an office by an old friend, RC, who is also apart of the military. Here is where we learn how the outbreak started, why, and who did it. I really started to like Reagan in this segment. Laura and her daughter Annie are also at this hospital. Billy and Hero have kidnapped yet another person to go off and save Kim. We find out the truth about these "cops." Horrible guys. Reagan saves Laura and Annie from the "hospital." While at the hospital we meet another character, Ben.. but he's not really that much of the story.. yet. Reagan, Laura and Annie take off in a helicopter to assist Billy and Hero in saving Kim. Lots of bad things are happening to Kim. Of course saving her isn't easy on Hero and Billy, but they get the job done. In one of the final scenes, we learn that Kim is a carrier of the disease. We are left to think that everything will be happily ever after. End of book 4.
Now, my favorite thing about this author was how he wrote about the book at the end of each book. We learn the symbolism he uses and why he feels such a connection with each of his characters. This helped a lot in my connection with them. We get an extra glimpse into the life of each one and I absolutely loved that. I wish more authors took the time to do this.
I've also learned that there are two more books out now, starting with Deadlocked 5. This will be set 20 years in the future and follow Ben. Told ya we'd get back to him. I can't wait to read the rest of this series and see where things go.
Would I suggest this book to others? Definitely!!!
Will I read more of the series? Yes!! Cannot wait to get my hands on the rest! More reviews will follow when I do!
I give this series 5 out of 5 stars!
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Snareville & Snareville 2 by David Youngquist
Now I know why commanders all look like old men. Surviving ain’t easy; staying human is even harder.
Some gave up. We came across a female gang called the Cock Blockers and their “choke point” still gives me nightmares. We fought a biker gang that call themselves the Mongol Hordes and make ol’ Genghis look like a pussycat. And we met a group of Amish who have extreme ideas on damage control.
We got a new problem now. Ella said to me, “When the world died, we all became family.” Guess that applies to the zombies as well.
Because Cindy’s been having strange dreams ‘bout a guy who calls himself King Death. Guess it’s a psychic connection, because we got reports of this guy heading out east, with his Queen and a nightmare in her womb. Yep, the unborn undead are coming to Snareville.
The fight’s coming to us. Coming home, to Snareville.
All kinds of newness going on
My goodreads goal this year is to read 100 books! Help me achieve my goal.